In a city named Franecker, located in West Friesland, some
young boys and girls between the ages of five and six happened to be playing
with one another. They chose one boy to play a butcher, another boy was to be a
cook, and a third boy was to be a pig. Then they selected one girl to be a cook
and another girl to be her assistant. The assistant was to catch the blood of
the pig in a little bowl so they could make sausages. As agreed, the butcher
now fell upon the little boy playing the pig, threw him to the ground, and slit
his throat open with a knife, while the assistant cook caught the blood in her
little bowl.
A councilman was walking nearby and saw this wretched act.
He immediately took the butcher boy with him and led him into the house of the
mayor, who instantly summoned the entire council. They deliberated about this
incident and didn't know what to do with the boy, for they realized it had all
been part of a children's game. One of the councilmen, a wise old man, advised
the chief judge to take a beautiful red apple in one hand and a Rhenish gold
coin in the other. Then he was to call the boy and stretch out his hands to
him. If the boy took the apple, he was to be set free. If he took the gold coin, he was to be killed. The judge took the wise man's advice, and the boy
grabbed the apple with a laugh. Thus he was set free without any punishment.
once was a father who slaughtered a pig, and his children saw that. In the
afternoon, when they began playing, one child said to the other, "You be
the little pig, and I'll be the butcher." He then took a shiny knife and
slit his little brother's throat.
mother was upstairs in a room bathing another child, and when she heard the
cries of her son, she immediately ran downstairs. Upon seeing what had
happened, she took the knife out of her son's throat and was so enraged that
she stabbed the heart of the other boy, who had been playing the butcher. Then she quickly ran back to
the room to tend to her child in the bathtub, but while she had been gone, he
had drowned in the tub. Now the woman became so frightened and desperate that
she wouldn't allow the neighbors to comfort her and finally hung herself. When
her husband came back from the fields and saw everything, he became so despondent
that he died soon thereafter.
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